Providing and Supporting IT Infrastructure
EzyRez Certified IT Partners are specialists in their fields and hold relevant industry certifications. To get the most out of the extensive features in EzyRez, Certified IT Partners can ensure that IT infrastructure is properly set up and maintained. Typical services include EzyRez installations and upgrades, networking, back ups, Microsoft SBS Server, SQL and Outlook administration, anti virus and PC hardware.
Rampant Technology are accredited network engineers holding certifications from Microsoft in Windows® systems and networking, plus Symantec and AVG for anti-virus and system security, as well as licensed electricians and qualified data/phone cabling providers. Providing all forms of computer support to the property industry for many years – telephone, email, printing, installations, internet access, anti virus, networking, office relocations, system security, data/phone/power cabling, as well as general maintenance, troubleshooting and repairs – we make systems work properly.